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It's nice to meet you!

I used to be skeptical about astrology because the horoscopes I read never came true and the description of my sign didn’t fully capture all of who I was. After studying astrology, I came to realize that there’s much more to it and that it’s an amazing tool for self-discovery. Astrology makes us feel seen. It confirms what we intuitively already know, but that confirmation can be so reassuring. To be seen is to be recognized and accepted for who we are. It makes us feel more connected to ourselves and to the world around us and I am so grateful that I get to share the gift of astrology with others.




​Five Things About Me

1) Most of the planets in my chart are in the bottom half, which suggests that I am a private person. This is mostly true, though more so online than in real life. I like my privacy and don't like sharing personal information online.

​​2) The Sun is in the fifth house (the house of children) in my birth chart. My children are definitely a big part of my life and I feel so blessed to share my life with them. 

​3) Meditation changed my life. I started meditating after a stressful period in my life. It's now not only as much a part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth, but it has become part of my spiritual practice, which keeps me both grounded in the earthly and connected to the divine. 

4) I am all about the sky. My hammock is my happy place and I love to daydream while the clouds roll by or ponder the deeper things in life with the stars as my inspiration. 

5) I feel deeply connected to Mother Earth. I wish that rather than dominating and controlling her, we would respect her and cooperate with her. I wish more people appreciated her for giving us a home and for letting us experience life on this beautiful planet. 

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